Start A File: Create a “moving” file to keep track of vendor quotes, receipts and other records associated with your move.
Create A Budget: Moving can be expensive! Evaluate your resources and establish a realistic budget for making your move.
Request Estimates: Contact reputable moving companies to provide an in-home estimate. If you’re planning a DIY move, compare quotes from truck rental companies in your area.
Box It Up: Begin boxing up your belongings, starting with items you won't need to use for a few weeks.
Label Your Life: Make unpacking easier by labeling boxes with the room they belong in.
Disconnect: Schedule disconnects for utilities such as gas, electric, water, and telephone service. Arrange any refunds that are due and schedule connections for your new residence.
Discontinue: Cancel newspapers, Internet, cable TV, security, pest control, cleaning help, lawn maintenance and any other services you subscribe to.
Take A Day: Notify your team that you'll be out of the office.